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Robert Donat is the monologue god. No one can touch him when it comes to staring plaintively off into the middle distance–the weight of eternity on his shoulders. The understanding of the fragility of human life fueling his insistence to go on–to keep on living.
Popular culture remembers Steve McQueen as the King of Cool, a paragon of stoic masculinity, a laconic man of few words and fewer emotions. But, what of the other side of Steve McQueen’s on-screen persona?
The World Ten Times Over // dir. Wolf Rilla // United Kingdom
Queer ladies living it up, loving each other, and surviving to the end of the film–IN 1963 BRITISH CINEMA?
“Someone once asked me, ‘Why is it so many people hate you?’ and I said, ‘Do they? How super!’ I'm really quite pleased about it.”
Happy Birthday to Drew Barrymore (pretend I posted this an hour ago when it was still February 22nd and therefore still her birthday). I truly adore her, and have since the moment Little Meg locked eyes on EverAfter Drew and pledged my fealty for all time. <3 <3 <3
Just because we are stuck inside, I don’t think we need to entirely give up Halloween costumes this year. We just gotta adapt and use what we have on hand.